Halloween 2022

October 18, 20222 min read
Halloween 2022
Mat Staltman
Mat Staltman

This is my favorite time of year here in Seattle. The weather is cooling a bit, the leaves are changing and usually things start getting a little less dry. Its, of course, also a great time because of Halloween. Halloween is not just fun for the kids. Everyone loves to dress up in costume whether they are going to a party at a friend’s house, out for a night in town, and even at the office.

At Spot, we want a better way to work together asynchronously but we also want you to be able to have a personal, engaging experience. Last year we added some fun Halloween costumes and environments to explore. The costumes were limited because of our older avatars but the few we had along with the spooky environments turned out to be popular. So, we are coming back with more this year.

Let’s get to some pictures!

The easiest way to get started is to look for this chest. If you cannot find one, add one to your Spot with the world editor.

Here are a few of the fun things you can find in the Halloween chest.

This year, we added a bunch of new items to the avatar builder. Let’s check out a few of them.

The fun thing you can do now with our avatar builder is mix and match and change colors to all the new costumes. You can be as spooky or silly or glamorous as you want to be.

In addition to all the new avatar pieces, there are 2 new templates to check out for more Halloween fun. They are even better than they were last year. I very much encourage you to explore them and see what you can find.

Have a great Halloween this year everyone! If you have any requests for future costumes, environments, or anything else send us an email. We would love to hear about it.


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